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КОИ СМЕ НИЕ / ABOUT US Центърът за стратегически изследвания в сигурността и международните отношенния развива изследователска, информационна, консултантска и организационна дейност в областта на външната политика и дипломацията, международните икономически отношения, сигурността и отбраната, военно-научната техническа и образователна област. Центърът има амбицията да хвърли мост между настоящето и проблемите на бъдещето като подпомогне формирането на решения с дългосрочни последствия и изграждането на интелектуални ресурси за реализирането им. За целта генерира идеи и предложения и съдейства на Парламент, държавни ведомства, индустрия, партии, организации и фирми, отчитайки нарастващата необходмост от държавно-частни и държавно-граждански партньорства и постигане на непрекъснато конкурентно предмство. Същевременно с действията и инициативите си се стреми да подпомогне формирането на управленски и експертен елит със стратегическо мислене както на национално, така и на регионално ниво, способен да реализира статегческото управлене като управление на дългосрочните промени, а не само на ежедневните ресурси. Изследователска дейност Насоките на изслдванията и на информационната и организационна дейност на Центъра са:
Консултантска дейност:
Конференции, семинари, квалификация
Информационно-документална база
Ръководство: Директор, програмен директор, административен директор, юридчески съветник, координатори на проекти, временни екипи. Филиали Центърът изгражда свои филиали в други страни. Първият такъв е в Германия, Берлин и функционира от момента на регистрирането на Центъра в България. Директор: Симеон Николов кратко CV: – основател и директор на Центъра
от 2009 г. – главен експерт в Администрацията на Президента -2003- 2005 г.; – държавен експерт в МВнР – до 2000г. / два задгранични мандата / ; – създател и главен редактор на изданието “Експерт–БДД”- от 2001 г. и понастоящем; – началник отдел международни
проекти във ФНТС-2000-2001 г. Награди: – Награден знак на МО за съществен принос и заслуги към отбраната на страната– 2007 г.; – Отличие на МВР – „Медал Правосъдие, Свобода и Сигурност 2007”; – Носител на златната значка на Атлантическия клуб; – Кавалер на ордена на Короната на Кралство Белгия /OFFICIER DE L ORDRE DE LA COURONNE/; – почетни членства, грамоти и др. The Center for Strategic Research in the Field of Security and International Relations is focused on pursuing research, information, consulting and organizational activities in the field of foreign policy and diplomacy, international economic relations, security and defence, military research, technology and education. The Center is keen on building a bridge between the present and future issues by promoting decision making with long-term effects and creating intellectual resources for decision implementation. To this end, the Center generates ideas and suggestions and provides assistance to the Parliament, government authorities, political parties, various industries, private organizations and companies by taking into account the growing need of establishing public-private partnerships and state-civil society partnerships, and thus getting a competitive edge. Concurrently with these activities and initiatives, the Center also strives for promoting development of strategically thinking management and expert elites, at both national and regional levels, capable of applying strategic management practice being really long-run change management not merely managing for the short run. Research Activities: The Center’s research, information and organizational activities are chiefly focused on: - Geopolitical aspects, counteraction, and influences exerted by newly emerging power centers of the world; - Security and international relations development within regions neighbouring the Balkan and Black Sea regions such as Central Asia and the Near East; - Energy and economic issues in the future; - Transformations of NATO and Bulgarian army; - The future of the European Security and Defence Policy; - Asymmetric threats challenging humanity; - Development and integration processes of the Western Balkans and security issues within the Black Sea region; - Minorities, ethnical diversity, and cultural and religious differences; - Scientific research supporting security and defence; - Foreign policy and diplomacy challenges. Consulting Activities: - Military science, arms, army technologies and defence industry; - Crisis management; - Political concepts and strategies; - Investment projects and marketing research. PR: - PR strategies and implementation; - Advertising. Conferences, workshops, qualification - The Center has expertise in organization and delivery of training events thus providing highly skilled professionals. Exhibitions - The Center organizes exhibition events in the field of defence technologies, philately, photography, etc. Publications Apart from the analyses, comments and reviews published on our website, the Center also publishes BULLETIN providing information on the European defence market, on related policies and directives, as well as on backstage competitive affairs, prospective partners, and scientific research results. Information and records database The Center develops its own information system and provides information services. Collaboration The Center establishes extended collaboration relations with other research centers and institutes in the country and abroad, including international and national academies and particular specialists in various fields. The Center keeps in touch with government authorities, political parties and business circles. It maintains respectful collaborative contacts with embassies and military attaches accredited in Bulgaria. The Center operates in close cooperation with NGOs and mass media organizations. Special attention is paid and specific initiatives are targeted to young experts and scientists, and youth and student organizations. Management: Director, Program Director, Administrative Director, Legal Advisor, Project Coordinator, and interim teams. Branches The Center establishes branches in other countries. The first branch office has been opened in Berlin, Germany, and has been operated since the Center’s registration in Bulgaria. Director Simeon Nikolov Brief CV: - Deputy Minister of Defense, 2005 - 2008 - Chief Expert at the President’s Administration, 2003-2005 - Government Expert at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1996 - 2000 - Founder and Editor in Chief of Expert BDD Magazine - Chief of International Project Department at the Federation of the Scientific Engineering Unions, 2000-2001 Awards:
- Awarded sign from the Ministry of Defense for significant contributions to the defense of the country – 2007
- Honors of the Ministry of Interior "Medal for Justice, Freedom and Security 2007
- Winner of the gold badge of the Atlantic Club
- OFFICIER DE L ORDRE DE LA COURONNE , ROYAUME DE BELGIQUE - Honorary memberships, certificates and more.
CSR в ТВ – и радио –предавания
Десетилетието. В сянката на лидери, избори и войни
Gudrun Krämer: Demokratie im Islam
GCHQ. The uncensored story of Britain's Most Secret Intelligence Agency
Новое дворянство: Очерки истории ФСБ
Hein G. Kiessling, ISI und R&AW
Alexander Rahr, „Der kalte Freund – warum wir Russland brauchen: Die Insider-Analyse“
"Развилки новейшей истории России". Егор Гайдар, Анатолий Чубайс
Tom Koenigs, Machen wir Frieden oder haben wir Krieg?
"Was Muslime wirklich denken. Der Alltag, die Extremisten, die Wahrheit dazwischen"
"Weniger Demokratie wagen" , Laszlo Trankovits , Verlag der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung
Kissinger H. On China. The Penguin Press, 2011. - 586 p.
Helmut Schmidt: Religion in der Verantwortung.
БЮЛЕТИН технологии, въоръжение, наука Предишни бюлетини |
csr.office@yahoo.com |
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16.01.2025 | ||